Be Prepared For Your Next Car Accident
June 8, 2021
We hope you never get in car accident, but it feels like it's bound to happen at least once in your lifetime. To make that next unfortunate car accident a little less stressful, our agency has put together a little form that can be placed right next to your insurance ID card in your glove box. It has all the steps necessary to follow when you get in that next accident. See below for a picture of that form or you can find a pdf version of it at the top and bottom of this page, and feel free to share it with anyone.

It's really important that you get as much info from the other party as you can. This will help make the claim process go much quicker. There's nothing worse than getting in an accident and it taking multiple months for a claim to be settled. We include our contact info at the bottom of the form as well, so never hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions. We'll do whatever we have to to help make the claim process go as smooth as possible.
Put this in your glove box, save it on your phone, make it your phone background if you really want, and share it with people!